Nedryland linters

Nedryland provides a set of linters/formatters, they are accessed in the checks attribute, and as separate apps. The currently provided checks are:

  • nixfmt: To format nix code. This tool has been customized to compare current code with correctly formatted code by default and take --fix to correct the code.
  • nix-lint: To lint nix expressions for mistakes and code quality.
  • shellcheck: To check shell scripts.
  • check: To run all checks.

To forward linters from Nedryland to a project to something like this:

# flake.nix
  inputs = {
    nedryland.url = github:goodbyekansas/nedryland;
    flake-utils.url = github:numtide/flake-utils;

  outputs =
    { nedryland
    , flake-utils
    , ...
    flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system:
      apps = {
        checks = nedryland.apps.${system}.checks;

And then run it with nix run .#checks.

Selecting Files

Sometimes a project contains files which should not be linted, for example 3rd party files or generated scripts. To customize which files will be checked set $NEDRYLAND_CHECK_FILES to point to a file containing a list (newline separated) of all files to check.

Extending the Set of Linters

check will run all scripts in its bin folder, which means that to extend the lint toolset in a project, simply symlinkJoin it with a derivation containing more linters. When writing a custom linter use $NEDRYLAND_CHECK_FILES to select files from and fall back to some other way of discovering files. Use $NEDRYLAND_CHECK_COLOR to check if colors should be in the output. The script should be able to run without any arguments.